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Why invest in Argentina?

Business opportunities
Relations between Türkiye and Argentina have a deep-rooted history. They began with the signing of the first Consular Protocol between the two countries in 1910. After the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey, both countries formalized the Treaty of Friendship signed in Rome in 1926. Since 1936 the ambassadors of both countries continued to assume their functions reciprocally.
Within the framework of the G-20 Presidency of Argentina in 2018, the Turkish President and numerous ministers visited Argentina. The aforementioned successful visits contributed to further strengthening relations between Turkey and Argentina in all aspects for which both countries show political will.
At this time, numerous bilateral agreements in areas such as trade, tourism, culture, and science are in force between Türkiye and Argentina.
The Agreement to Avoid Double Taxation on Income Taxes and to Prevent Tax Evasion and Avoidance was signed between Argentina and Türkiye. The number of signed agreements will increase along with the development of bilateral relations.